Special Education Advocacy Business Coaching from

Your IEP Source

Are you ready to start, build, or grow your special education advocacy business?  If so, Dr. Brandi from Your IEP Source is here to help!

Since I stopped working for the man about ten years ago, I’ve been bitten by the entrepreneurship bug and haven’t looked back.  Your IEP Source has grown to full capacity with a booked-out caseload in just a short time.  And that’s not my first rodeo!  I previously grew my psychology practice in a similar manner. 

Do you have questions about how to start a special education advocacy business?

If I had to pick one piece of advice to give to new advocates, it would be that being an advocate is just a small piece of the pie. 


Running a business takes time and skills.

Sure, you can take courses to learn to be an advocate.  But where can you get help to learn to be a business owner?  Look no further.  Advocacy Business Coaching from Your IEP Source is here.  

Is Special Education Advocacy Business Coaching from Your IEP Source for you?

We can support advocacy business owners at all stages:

We can support you with a variety of aspects of your business:

We can support you with a variety of aspects of your business: acquisition, fulfillment, and operations

If you don’t run your business right, it could go under, or you could get burned out.  If those things happen, you won’t be able to do what you started out to do, which was to provide support to families.

Currently, there are two options for you to get started.

1.You can book a 20-minute call to learn about how Dr. Brandi can help you.

2. If you know you’re ready to make a difference in the lives of kids and families, sign up for advocacy business coaching today.

Be sure to sign up for the advocates’ email list to get updates about how we can help you grow your business.

Book a 20-minute call with Dr. Brandi to learn how Advocacy Business Coaching from Your IEP Source can help you.

Would you like Dr. Brandi to help you through an issue with our business? Sign up for advocacy business coaching today.